Friday 25 August 2017

Bring on the Botox

These are the mind sapping alternatives to Botox. Back to the Jabs next week.

Almost exactly 3 years ago I wrote of trooping off for the many jabs of Botox to turn the tap off on the almost constant migraines.

I wriggled my toes and crossed my fingers and for the next 2 years I was migraine free. Yippee shouted from the roof tops barely begins to describe how fucking exciting that was. The success rate is about 70% and Dr Meena scores an impressive 90% but that's because she vets patients so thoroughly. Good on her I reckon, NOW. At the time I thought it was all a royal pain in the arse.

Anyway last November we both decided that maybe I should try going cold turkey on the Botox and see how things panned out. I figured that eventually surely you must get to an age where the migraines just leave the building, and I already had enough shit going on with the CML and all.

So we hugged it out and she said that if the fuckers returned I should just ring up and say it's an emergency and she'd fit me in. All our fingers were crossed.

Sadly about 2 months ago, as a little aside when at Dr Jane's, I mentioned the headaches and she said, 'Get thee back to Meena.' I was resistant. I had decided that the aches were side effects of the meds for the Leukaemia. Jane got up me and said that I couldn't always blame everything on the meds and in any case I had had the migraines long before the mutants arrived.

She was right of course. But I was still not racing back into the needles.

She has since said the same to Stevie and me, more than once. He's been on and on about it too. Resistance was useless.

The migraines are fucking back, not as bad as in their hey day but I have now been chewing up over the counter pain meds all day every day for more than a month. Fuck it! What a rattler!

I made an emergency appointment with Meena so instead of seeing me in November I am off for the Jabs next Wednesday. And that won't be a minute too soon. I have twice tried the pummeling of the neck and shoulders and that has just left me bruised and a little weepy and have now hoovered up all the pain meds except for the class A stuff which can continue to gather dust in the drawer, cos I reckon I could become a stumbling mess taking that shit at night, especially while I am sleeping on the air bed in the lounge looking after Dog. I could easily see getting confused and trying to join her in the playpen. Let's face confusion is not a foreign concept these days.

I don't know why the Botox works, but it certainly seems to.

Roll on Wednesday.

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